North Richland Hills, TX

North Richland Hills and Grand Prairie, TX

North Richland Hills and Grand Prairie, TX

ENT Health Blog

Tinnitus Might be Invisible but its Impact Can be Substantial

In the movies, invisibility is a powerful power. Whether it’s a mud-covered hero, a cloaked starship, or a stealthy ninja, invisibility allows people in movies to be more effective and, often, achieve the impossible. Unfortunately, invisible health problems are no less potent…and they’re a lot less enjoyable. Tinnitus, for instance, is a really common condition […]

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Laryngitis: When Your Voice Goes on Vacation

“Voicebox” is a rather erroneous term. You may have, at one time in your life, envisioned your voicebox as a literal box inside of your throat. Your actual voicebox is not really box-like at all and is a bit stranger. When people use the term “voicebox,” they’re usually describing an organ in your throat called […]

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Persistent Sinus Pain? You May be Dealing With Chronic Sinusitis

Your face is sort of loaded with holes. Well actually, it has four hollow spaces. These are known as sinuses. (Or sinus cavities.) Your sinuses help eliminate allergens and germs by assisting mucus discharge from your nose. You stay healthier and breathe easier as a result. This system functions quite well the majority of the […]

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Sinuses Can be Seriously Affected by Environmental Allergens

You know those typical cold symptoms? Sneezing, runny noses, fevers, that sort of thing. The cold virus itself isn’t the cause of most of these symptoms, as it happens. Rather, these symptoms are a by-product of your immune response. It may sound strange, but your immune system creates a fever to protect you from bacteria […]

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How to Deal With that Annoying Ringing in Your Ears

Whether you hear it occasionally or it’s with you all of the time, the ringing of tinnitus can be annoying. There might be a more suitable word than annoying. How about frustrating or makes-you-want-to-bash-your-head-against-the-desk irritating? That noise that you can’t turn off is an issue however you decide to describe it. So what can be […]

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4 Mistakes New Hearing Aid Owners Make (and How to Avoid Them)

You’ve got a set of new hearing aids. Congratulations, it’s a great start to improving the quality of your life. There is a lot to learn when you buy new technology like modern hearing aids, and that includes the things you shouldn’t do. It’s not a long list with hearing aids, but it is an […]

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